How professional was the presentation? Was it delivered with clarity?
“Delivered really clearly. Lots of research - Equally delivered”
How professional was the visual element of the presentation? How well were the boards designed? What might improve them?
“More colour – Information was relevant but narrow down info – larger font, easier to read”
What is the message?
“Tell a lie convincingly. White lies – not negative lies”
Is there a clear sense of audience? Who is the project targeting?
“They wrote 18-45 but break down to those who read magazines regularly – 18-25
What context will the message exist in? How does the proposed solution answer the virus element of the brief?
“Magazine – would work in virus context. Can pass to friends and be in receptions etc.”
Overall, what do you think of the proposal?
“Nice ideas – work on audience – and also can focus more on content – research more info how to tell a lie.
How professional was the verbal element of the presentation? Was it delivered with clarity?
1)Yes presentation was professional
What might have improved it?
1)If you would of told a lie as part of the presentation.
1)Yes it was nice and professional. Maybe too much information to read on the boards.
What is he message?
1)How to tell a lie convincingly. Soft white lie.
Is there a clear sense of audience? Who is the project targeting?
1)Not too sure at the minute (narrowing down 18-30?) - contact magazine company
1)Magazine article
1)Proposal was good but maybe narrowing down the target audience. Also consider m.o.d little book/poster.