What problem did you identify?
An issue with time management with new starters, and the adjustment to a full time degree course.
From speaking to students, taking questionnaires and from my own experiences, I quickly discovered the problem with the adjustment to the course. The main issue was that we don’t always stick to a plan and tend to leave random notes and scribbles, rather than structuring our time more effectively.
What evidence did you find to support your decisions?
My own weakness at time management was enough to know there was an issue, and from talking to other students I quickly found I wasn’t alone. It’s not that we’re all useless with time management; in most cases people are generally organized. The issues lies with prioritization and planning, we may not what we need to do but we will always ‘run out of time’ and wind up rushing the day before deadline.
What methods did you use to gather your evidence and what forms did it take?
I recorded my findings in a notebook, which was later typed and put in the sketchbook.
What methods of research did you find useful and why?
I found that my primary research and the research from my own experiences were most useful baring in mind the project title.
What research could you have carried out that would have proved more useful?
I could have done wider questionnaires outside of friends and students within the college. Could have been more beneficial to gain that wider spread but I also feel that the research I had was more than sufficient for the task.
Five things that you have learnt about the design process over the last five weeks?
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
5. You guessed it
Five things you would do different next time
1. Being able to print text onto my badges..
2. Carry out more research
3. Probably test some more initial ideas. Felt I developed enough but didn’t get the widest range of initial work (as always).
4. Get the cover printed on better quality papers, had to use my own photo paper for cover, didn’t really match the rest of the booklet.
5. Make the lid a little more sturdier. The product was left in the sun one afternoon when the weather was amazing. The lid didn’t like this though, warped everywhere…
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