Throughout this module I believe I’ve that I have developed an ongoing investigation and development into image and illustration. What I’ve found most useful on this module was being able to analyze what I was creating in relation to how it affects type and how it sits amongst it.
I wouldn’t say the article project was one of the strongest briefs I’ve done and I actually struggled with it a little. Fitting my idea of what I see for article into a pre determined space really limited my ideas. Designing for a specific area was a struggle for me mainly because I had my idea and focused on it. When it came to making it fit it was something that I’d completely forgotten about it. Because of this the images lost relevance and generally looked out of place. If I were to look at this project again I’d definitely consider the possibilities within the area I have to work with and not just jump straight on the PC or Mac.
The second brief, images based around quotes taken from the articles. I think the most successful use of type and image within this brief was the 'brief making bread phase'. Shaped in a rounded font and textured in the form of bread these two worked really well in reinforcing the idea behind the text.
The type as image project was quite difficult in a way but fun to work with. Difficult, because there was very little control of how the outcome would be received. The original image was of a policeman looking at a stopwatch in a city environment. I think I did a decent attempt at recreating the scene in 3D as you can make out the idea of image. The figure is made from play doh and plastasine whilst the backdrop from card. There was no real design decisions to be made for this scene as I was simply following the image but it was a fun project to work with and interesting to see how we interpret another person’s idea.
The shape I was given for the eye chart brief was teeth. I began by investigating the subject and decided that I would work with shark teeth. There lots of images on this, which was great for references. These were categorized from smallest to largest and traced over in after effects. The items were coloured in photo shopped and organized big to small. The shapes are formed in the outline of a tooth and complete with accurate scale markings based on an existing eye chart.
For the final brief I was looking at the idea of shape and form, I began by investigating natural forms until I decided on the shape of a leaf. The decision for the flipbook was because I wanted to create something that represented a life cycle. In the animation the leafs veins are slowly constructed and the leaf turns green and becomes whole. The leaf then fades to brown and deconstructs. The animation was created in After Effects and outputted as a Jpeg Sequence. These were then printed onto trace as acetate was not available at the time. If I were to create another flipper I’d probably look into trace however the costing of the material is quite high, around ten times that of trace.
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